Many of us have seen happy pictures of people holding up previous pairs of pants having reached their wait loss goals, similar to the picture here, of a gentleman who made a sandwich shop famous for its weight loss options.
However, when it comes to your business, you want to be smiling in this sort of picture because you're about to jump INTO the bigger pair of pants.
Think about it: during this market cycle, a time when many use the "e-word" (starts with "e" and ends with "onomy") as an excuse not to move to the next level in business, we still need to be thinking about what it would take to jump UP to the next pants size.
It is important to keep your eye on growth and expansion. When we make a "plan B" for tough times, or start to scale back our hopes and constrict, we often prevent ourselves from seeing and taking advantages of opportunity that is out there right now.
If you saw your business as in an expanding cycle, what choices and opportunities would you seize? Would things as they are feel a little limited, with room for improvement?
Are your business pants feeling a little tight around the waist? Need some help to get all the tasks done that you've had on your own plate since the day you launched? Now is the time to take the leap.
Those business owners who are stepping up and buying bigger pants are the ones who are seeing results, even right now. I know this because many of these brave business owners are my very own clients.
What would you need to unbutton your too-tight start-up pants and grow to be the lean mean fighting machine your company is ready to be? Do you need more staff? An intern? New equipment? More space?A new organization system? Software? Funding?
Start looking around this week with an eye on where you can get bigger. And look especially at the places where you feel pinched and your progress is getting limited by the tight pants you're wearing now.
Skinny jeans are fun for fashion, but business is all about having the most room for more!
Break out of any bottlenecks you've made for yourself and make some space for success. It is often the risk that needs to come first, in order for opportunity to follow.
What do you need to do to be smiling next to a big pair of business pants like the gentleman above?
Share it with us! Please let us know how you are going to jump into bigger pants, or how you'd like to in the comments below.
Dream big! Let's all go up a size this month. The world is ready for big dreams and big results. And if one of the things you need to move ahead is coaching, we'd love to support you. Contact us today for a complimentary 30 minute consultation.
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