Who are you doing business as?
I first asked this question when I was setting up my business license and Tax ID for Los Angeles several years ago and had to fill out a DBA for Remabulous.
When we start a company, we really are starting a new identity and are then working under it, no matter what our entity is. When you think about your business, it's important to get clear about what your vision and goals are for that business, so you can move ahead and reach your goals in the most effective way.
So what do I mean by this?
It's essential that the way you do business and who you are when you do business lines up with the identity you create for your company.
Here are 5 questions you need to answer to ensure you are doing business as your best:
- What is the purpose of my business? Is it to sell a product? Serve a population? Fill a need? Make money? Save the world? Every time you make a decision, you must ask yourself if that outcome is serving your business purpose. If your purpose is to make money and you have a full schedule of pro-bono or keep undercharging, you have a business disconnect. Be honest and stay in alignment here.
- Where am I the most effective in my business? It is essential that you assess your skills and assets and maximize your time applying them. Write out the tasks that you do best and only you can do. Make sure you spend 80% of your time on them. Delegate those tasks that take you away from your essential hotlist.
- Where am I holding myself back from my best and what could I do to change this? Are you scared of selling? Working in the house and hiding from meetings? Or always at coffee dates and not buckling down to write that ebook or ezine? Look at where you are avoiding growth and put your best tasks into those areas so you can move forward.
- Do believe in myself as the leader of this company? It's scary to start a new business, and sometimes it takes time to really feel like a CEO. What would you need to do to step into this role, since this mind shift is one of the most important you can make. I recommend: getting dressed for work, even if you're at home and making a music playlist that speaks to your inner business powerhouse. Play it often.
- Who can I serve better if my business takes off? Entrepreneurs are so powerful and able to change the world faster than any other business. We have less red tape and less infrastructure to hold us back from innovation. When we make change and grow, we are sharing success with the world. Sometimes it's easier to think about the charity you could give money to or the artist whose work you could buy if your income was higher. Success doesn't just help you, it helps everyone you encounter. Remember to do business as someone who is a force of positive change in the world. Who do you want to support now?
So... take some time and answer these questions for yourself and your business. Feel free to post your replies in the comments below...
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