well, it was inevitable. now i cannot only avoid getting lost, check e-mail, talk on the phone, and browse already written blogs on my blackberry, i can also write my own. that's right: this is coming at you from my phone. amazing when one thinks that just ten years ago it was pretty rare to see a mobile phone with anyone but an exec. and now we have reached the next level. it's official: this thing now really is my life support. help. they will get you in the end, too. i'm sure of it
My cell phone is on its last leg.. And DAAAAddy killed his Blackberry - so I think we're going to switch providers and both get something new. I don't know if I want a Blackberry or an iPhone... I just want something that does cool stuff. But if you can write blog posts.. well. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing!! I can do tiny posts of under 500 characters, but nothing exciting.
Posted by: holli | 21 May 2008 at 11:19
i am telling you- i love my blackberry. the only problem i have with it is that i got the verizon world phone that doesn't have a camera, and after reading lifehacker all the tie i could kick myself for thinking that wouldn't be a problem.
just signed up for blogher today! am hoping i'll see you there...
Posted by: caroline | 21 May 2008 at 15:09