i met kalyanee and david just a little earlier this year, which is when i learned about the film. kalyanee had done relief work in baghdad and, in the process, had heard many people's stories about life in the region. it was then that she began recording the stories, possibly for a radio piece. once returning from baghdad, she and her partner, david, a film composer, realized that audio alone was not enough. this project expanded in size and scope into a totally new approach to documentary filmmaking. i have been so lucky as to hear about this project as it progresses. please please do yourself a favor and follow along with their blog, iraqrefugeedoc.blogspot.com. not only can these two make film, they can also write.
the story of how this film came to its current point is one of incredible hope, investment from unlikely sources, and belief in the beauty of human connection, no matter what the circumstances are. i am so excited to see this film once it is finished. i would even be delighted to see a companion film about how this one was made.
this is a project born of of real connection with people in a difficult part of the world, not just a real-life action movie as so many stories about iraq have been. i can't say how much this project inspires me, or how inspiring i know reading this blog will be.
they will say it all better than i can, so just enjoy it.
image: care of iraq refugee documentary blog.
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