today, driving back from a lovely day of exploring the canals in venice, a friend staying with me from out of town and i caught the tail end of an apropos episode of "this american life." it featured people who had somehow gotten what we think would be dream jobs, but with a catch. excellent listening. enjoy hearing about television acting, the lottery business, and what it means to go to college if you are an illegal us resident. perhaps a good inspiration to be grateful for the work we have, or reason to change it, if these are obstacles we don't have to worry about facing.
I have downloaded a free MP3 which is available for up to a week after the show airs. I look forward to listening to the whole show. Thanks for the inspiration.
Posted by: ann | 24 March 2008 at 10:29
thanks, ann- especially about the info on how long the mp3 is available. i will be sure to download a copy myself, as i missed the first few minutes of the show and was hoping to hear them.
have a wonderful day!
Posted by: caroline | 24 March 2008 at 10:41