in working with clients, i often see themes popping up when people think about the challenges of working for oneself. one that has come up most often as i listen to people talk about their hopes and fears for their career is this: the difference between a security type and an authority type.
knowing which one you are is essential in order to move forward in a way that is effective.
security types are the ones who need to know that their expenses are going to be covered. they need to know that they are going to come home and feel safe at the end of the day. the idea of not having enough money is intolerable and these types would rather work extra hours to get their dream in than to give up the security of a regular paycheck. security types don't mind working for other people; they often have good relationships with superiors and are highly valued employees bosses are reluctant to give up if they choose to leave. if you are a security type, figuring out where the money is coming from must be central to making your career plan work for you. anyone who tells you to just jump without considering if you can pay your bills will not be serving your best interest. your anxiety will overpower ability to move forward if the bottom line needs to be addressed first.
authority types don't have as much trouble being unsure about money. of course, they may worry about it just like anyone else, but losing control over their time is far more of a threat and an issue. authority types are often highly efficient workers who know just what to do to complete a task efficiently and in record time and having to wrestle though the red tape of working for someone else is torture for them. these are the ones who jump because they are crying in the bathroom at a job that constricts them. if you are a security type, the difference between eating ramen and eating filet is nothing if you have control over your life and your schedule. being told to keep a dead-end uninspiring job just to hold onto benefits and to pay the bills can feel like a death sentence for an authority type. your exit strategy may involve paring down expenses and lifestyle, but getting that control back is essential to keep your morale up.
see how different these two types are? it is really important to know early on which you are if you are going to make a change or take a leap in your career- either in the same job, or by looking for a new one. if you're not sure which one you are, get in touch. a free consult will sort it out and give you some ideas about where to go next...
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