there are many places to get stuck on this independent journey we entrepreneurs find ourselves on. mine seems to be staying with the flow. a great session with a mentor and teacher of mine this morning reminded me of the importance of being open to how things flow in... and out.
it is easy to be confident and secure when things are flowing: money comes in, bills get paid, there is work to do, but time for play. we all dream of this state, no matter how rare it is that we actually experience it.
what is amazing is how rapidly things do shift once we are willing to see space for it. there is always room for things to be different and there are always opportunities for abundance around us, even if we don't want to see them. when i get discouraged due to not meeting a goal or things not going as i expected them to, it is hard for me to be open to new options that present themselves.
"ugh," i think. "it didn't work the other way, why should this be better?" in doing so, i often miss the chances to meet the goal i set in a new way. or i imagine i do, because i can't know what would have happened had i embraced the ones i let go.
today i decided to take a workshop next month that, a few days ago, would have been an "ugh- can't see how that would be helpful." but now i see that my own process of exploring this entrepreneur's life means i have to do- for real- what i tell my clients to do in nearly every session i have: "trust that this will eventually be ok. try some new approaches and keep up the ones that have been working." this is true whether i say it out loud or not.
so... i am now ready to take my own advice. and i think there will be a lot to share after this next phase of learning.
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