every morning, 3191 miles apart, stephanie and mav get up early and take a picture. here is mav on the left, stephanie on the right. follow their daily escapades at 3191.
there is something lovely about projects conceived long-distance. i am a huge fan of letters and things delivered physically wrapped in paper and string, sound-of-music style. i think part of this enjoyment is the physical and the mundane aspects of a parcel that someone wrapped and sent out directly to me. their writing on the label, the packing envelope or the box itself and the intimacy that implied.
in many ways, i had given up on the internet as a source of this kind of intimacy. it seems so cold, even with the immediacy of blogs and e-mail and video ichat. there is an ability to reveal much more, but without the feeling of rammifications the physical presence of a real person or experience brings.
however, this lovely site seems to break that barrier just a little bit. a daily, often mundane, image shot by two people in different parts of the world allows us to see into their private worlds. and seeing two private worlds alongside each other day after day creates a kind of visual poetry. it illustrates the principal of synchronization (i am not sure if that is the exact name for it-some one please correct me on this one if you know) that things happening in proximity to each other will eventually fall into the same rhythm. The patterns in these images often do that, beyond the thought that over the time this project has occured, three months so far of the year proposed, their styles will begin to influence each other. Who can explain the impulse to photograph food one day and a desk another?
it is also nice to know that the pairings of these function almost like surreal pantings images work with their titles: the two together gives more possibility than either alone.
i propose an onslaught of long-distance internet excitement. long-distance internet art is far more compelling to me than long-distance internet dating. believe me, i have done it.
who is with me?
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